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Nature of Mind Night

These gatherings give us a chance to renew and refresh our understanding and practice of the nature of mind. This teaching, that ‘points out’ the essential awakened state, is the crown jewel of the the teachings of the Buddha and bring us right to the door of the natural state. It’s helpful for us to get together from time to time to discuss and refresh our understanding of this rare and remarkable teaching.

This evening is open to anyone who has had pointing out teachings in-person from a qualified Mahamudra, or Dzogchen lineage holder. If you have any question about whether, or not, you’re qualified to take part, please contact Tim - Here.

Once you have truly received the pointing-out instruction and recognized mind essence, becoming enlightened through training is not out of reach; it is in your own hands. You can remind yourself to recognize your mind essence as often as possible. If you train in this way, you can be liberated even if you spend your entire day doing something as simple as grazing cattle. If not—if you know all the words of the Dharma but don’t really experience the essential meaning—the moment you depart from this life you will just roam about in confusion. This is the essential point.
— Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche